Sunday, June 05, 2011

can you become... a new version of you?

I should be working right now, for stuff that I need tomorrow. But... I just don't have the heart for it. So I blog instead.

Does anybody remember that show Felicity? I do. I loved Felicity. It was to me what Dawson's Creek was to my friends. I never cared for the adventures of Dawson, Pacey and Joey. I never cared for the convoluted lives of Brandon, Brenda, Kelly and Dylan (that's the original 90210 for you young 'uns...). But I did love Felicity, Noel (pronounces as "knoll" in the show), Ben, Meghan and Sean. The story of a young girl impulsively changing her life, to pursue a crush who went to New York was fun and endearing to watch. When my roommate moved out with her tv (and I didn't have the money to buy one for myself), I faithfully followed the show by reading the transcripts online. Even on paper (errr... on computer screen?), I loved the show.

So, you can only imagine how excited I was when I found out that in Bangkok, there was a little cafe named (drum roll please...) DEAN AND DELUCA!!!


Now I know this is not the same D&D where Felicty's character worked, or where her lovable boss Javier was the manager (that's in New York, obviously), but this is the closest I have ever gotten to one. So I was practically giddy. :D So much so that my colleagues actually noted my change in demeanor. Hahaha.

I was initally afraid that this was a knock-off restau that 'borrowed' the name but it really was affiliated with the Dean & Deluca franchise in America. So even more to be happy about!

the menu board

your choice of bread and pastry

sandwich row

yummy desserts

The inside was bright and quaint. It had a nice casual, welcoming yet sophisticated appeal. I have no idea if this is how all Dean & Deluca's look like, but I didn't really care. It was just nice to feel part of a treasured memory.

interior decor

On one end of the room was an area dedicated to Dean & Deluca branded food items you could bring home with you. It was fun walking in between the racks, seeing what they offered. I'm not knowledgeable about gourmet food enough to know if any of them were worth buying, but they sure were pretty.

jellies and things

nuts and candies

sea salts

I bought some tins of colored sugar as gifts for friends at home. There's absolutely nothing special about them. But I thought it would be fun if they could serve green or pink sugar when offering their guests coffee! I just hope the sugar doesn't turn the coffee pink or green as well. Hahahaha...

Since we had come there for dinner, we of course had to order more than desserts and bread. In terms of taste it wasn't all that spectacular. I'd say typical cafe food: sandwiches, soups and salads. But I really wasn't into D&D for the food. I was just there for the fact that it was Dean and Deluca, man! :P

our food

with the food (of the group! that's not all mine! hahaha.. defensive)

our group

And of course, what to have for dessert, but the New York Cheesecake!

how you doin?

Happiness :)



  1. I loved Felicity! Noooooel! <3 :) <3.

  2. So thoughtful of you to bring me a part of your experience :) - Macon

  3. Kris: thank you for being the first fan of my blog. hahaha...

    Macon: you're welcome! I miss you na! Let's go out.


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