Friday, April 15, 2011


For the last 2 months or so I haven't been in much of a mood for anything. Which would suprise people given the energy I've invested into cramming every little bit of free sched with things to do. I lived in mortal dread and fear of being alone and *gulp* thinking. Whatever down time I had I spent in bed, dreamless and unconscious.

Thus my grand plans of making this a fabulous website was put on hold. Pictures of things I've done and places I've been are still tucked away inside my memory card. Half-written entries are in my draft folder. And til now no one knows this site exists (except Kris. Hi Kris!)

Then finally, one night, lady inspiration hits me. And I started to care about this poor neglected space of the web. I decided it was time to make her pretty. Give her a little character. Make her easy to navigate and attractive to behold.

So I started downloading free blogger templates and tried uploading them for my site. Epic fail. Apparently, it is not as simple as copy-paste-upload. Font sizes change, links are different and I don't know how to use/get rid of/re-label some of the pretty things on the templates I like.


Darn you lack-of-html-knowledge! You've foiled me again!!!