Thursday, February 09, 2012

Run, Stacey, Run!

When the whole running craze in this country started I thought it would be something I would take to naturally. After all, I loved walking. And walking was a derivative of running. Therefore, if A (love) is equal to B (walk) is equal to C (run), then A (love) is equal to C (run).

I was wrong.

The first indication of error was when they called these gatherings as Fun Runs and yet insisted that the gun start go off at some godforsaken hour in the morning before the sun had even gone up. On a weekend. I don't know about you, but there is something distinctly not fun about that whole notion.

The second indication of error in my formula was the realization that I would be gasping for breath while sweating buckets. I know that makes me sound like some primadonna but believe me, I am not averse to getting my heart rate up. It's just that when I turn hot and sticky I can't help but think how much more enjoyable working out would be if I were swimming instead. I'd still be gasping for breath but I'd at least feel somewhat refreshed while in the water.

The final blow that collapsed my theory was that running was incredibly impactful. Literally. On my knees. That, plus being be too lazy to control my fall at each step, meant that sometimes I could feel the impact all the way to my head. I suppose training would fix this. But training means commitment. And after errors 1 and 2, I wasn't really sure I wanted to commit to the training needed to correct number 3.

But I suppose there are exceptions for everything. Because this is me attending the 2nd Grace to the Finish fundraiser run of the Singles Apostolate of St. James the Great in Ayala Alabang. 

Running for God

There are very few reasons why I would be willing to pay to subject myself to the physical torture of a run. Or subject people around me to my pleasing personality at 4:30 in the morning. But the Singles Apostolate has been my faith family for the last 11 years and is God's grandest love letter to me. In fact, it's a letter that continues to be written. The friendships I have built in the SA are by far the longest relationships I've ever had.

So as an almost-founding member of the Apostolate, I felt a moral/spiritual obligation to give it my support. That's why last year when it held its first 1st Grace to the Finish on June 5, 2011 I agreed to run. Ok... maybe "run", is a strong word. When I completed my meager 3k I more of brisk walked / walked the distance. Though I did make sure I ran when the photographers were around.

passionately pretending during GTTF 1

I would be told that as I crossed the finish line 29mins later, my first words were, "I am never doing this again." Hahahaha! 

Nearly 8 months later I took back my promise and once more donned rubber shoes and a bib. The second Grace to the Finish was held last Jan 29, 2012 and for a brief moment I toyed with the idea of signing up for the 5k. But let's be honest, if I did that I'd no longer be a decent human being at the end. So 3k it was.

continuing to passionately pretend in GTTF2

I had no grand illusions of finishing at the top, but I wanted to at least the race with a time faster than last. Mission accomplished at a shade over 26mins. And I was careful about what came out of my mouth as I crossed that end line. Though admittedly I had very ungodly words running through my head. hahahaha...

And man, did my body hurt afterwards.

there is no glamour in running

I guess it's not misleading to call activities like these Fun Runs. Because even though I don't take myself seriously as a runner, I take seriously the idea of enjoying myself.

it's all about the fun - GTTF 1

and the fun goes on - GTTF2

When you sacrifice your Sunday morning sleep to help build God's Kingdom and hang out with your friends, you can't avoid having fun. There is nothing like laughing at your own physical pffft-ness to build a relationship. It's healthy. Just as running is.

idaan na lang natin sa team spirit - GTTF1

comparing notes on how unfit we are - GTTF 2

And yeah, I'd do it again. Maybe someday, I'll even get to doing the 5k. Someday.

A (love) may not equal to C (run), but in the long run, A (love) equals the Singles Apostolate. That's a good enough equation for me.


I just love this Apostolate

All photographs taken from other people's cameras because it's hard to take a picture of yourself while running. :D Thanks to Ivan Ferreras, Lester Guevara , CJ Jimenez,  Joe Joson, Tisha Mandreza and Ian Santillan.


  1. Pffft-ness! I love it! And I love you! Me loving you = good enough for you.

    Andddd, I am going nowhere. See you soon, Xta!

  2. hahahah! love the pictures! ;)Go for 5! ;)

  3. Running doesn't have to be hard on the knees. Just need to relearn running. Cmon, you work for UL. Isn't it mandatory? ;)

  4. Running for leisure/sport is something only you humans do. What a strange species.

    Still, survival of the fittest and all that, so kudos for your preparations against turning into a Happy Meal when civilization falls, we all go back to Year Zero, and the animals rule once more.

  5. I absolutely love how you tell a story...with pictures pa! :)

  6. Hi Wenk! My favorite line in the piece was "subject people around me with my pleasing personality at 4:30 in the morning." It's so me. :P

    Hi Pauline! Since I can't wow with my form, I wow with my personality. hehehe.

    Hi David! Am trying to relearn running now... good luck to me! :P Thanks for writing.

    Hi what exactly are you? ;)

    Hi findingfamily! Thanks for reading my story. And for writing! :)

  7. I am... a born runner.



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