Tuesday, September 27, 2011

the daily difference

This is where I try to spend the first few minutes of my morning every work day (at least, when I'm in the country). That's the office chapel. Tell me, how many companies do you know have their own chapel? With a tabernacle and everything!

Before I become a prisoner of my cube, I try to spend a little time in conversation with God. It could be a quiet conversation or, when I'm certain that no one else is in the room, I actually talk to Him outloud. While I am confident that He always answers, I've never actually heard Him speak.

I have found that those few minutes spent in prayer have a significant impact on how I face the day, and in how I feel about the world. Whatever burden I come into that chapel with always seems a little more light by the time I leave. Once you've laid it down at the foot of a King, the day's problems don't seem so big anymore. Confidence is easy to come by when you know God's got your back.

Each morning on my knees, I pray for a great many things. Admittedly, most of my prayers fall into two categories: things I'd like Him to give me and things I'd like Him to either solve or change. Yes, I can be very selfish in my prayers. To be totally honest, I would have to say that my visits to the chapel have always been directly proportional to my life issues for the season.

Thankfully, God's love for me is constant. He loves me even if, as I pray, my mind starts to drift of to my to-do list.  He loves me even if my prayers sometimes start to sound like formula. He loves me even if I sometimes doubt that He does.

Which just makes me want to be a better daughter. Because, after all, isn't that how you respond to Love?

Unfortunately, when it comes to being a better daughter, I think I've got quite a ways to go...



  1. You're on the right track. Nice articleü

  2. Hi Anonymous!

    Thanks for the compliment on my article. Yes, I believe that God is the right track. :) Nice that you agree with me.


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