Monday, January 31, 2011

think less, be more

I was on a trip last week and I found myself surrounded by colleagues who kept discovering great finds while we were doing our regular trade visits. By day 2, pots and pans (on sale!) have been bought, new and interesting skin and hair care products were being tried and there I was, still picking up the same item at each store and still mentally debating if I should make the purchase.

My colleagues said I had great self control. No, this wasn't self control. This was me being boring.

For months I had been told I should wear skinny jeans because I had the right build for it. I was adamant that skinny jeans belonged in the 80's, along with the shoulder pads and the teased hair. 2 weeks ago, a friend finally got me to try one on.

Damn it, it did look good.

So as I stood there holding the same bottle of body wash for the nth time I had my eureka moment. My 2011 was going to have a theme: EXPLORATIONIt's time to start saying a little less "no" and a little more "maybe". 

I came home from the trip with a new bottle of hair treatment cream, body oil and the body wash. Put that together with the new pair skinny jeans I bought and I'd say I'm off to a good start.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Here we go!

I don't remember blogging being so complicated.

4 years ago, when I first joined the blogosphere, I simply named my site, chose the design I liked then started typing away. I don't remember worrying about gadgets, or colors, or layout. Now, for some reason, all that's important to me.

Which is funny considering I've told no one (ok.. maybe  2 people, 3 at most) that I've decided to start blogging again. This page can look like crap and no one would really care.

So why am I even doing this? I'm not really sure. I imagine it must take some form of deep narcissism to start a blog when you're as regular and un-famous as I am. It must be delusion that makes us think that what we write about and think about is interesting enough for the world to want to read. And let's face it. Those would actually be interested, I probably see enough on a regular basis that I can share it with them directly.

But I blog anyway.

Call it narcissism, call it delusion.

I prefer to refer to it as therapy.

Blog on.