Thursday, August 11, 2011

God's promises

I try not to blog during office hours. I do have a sense of ethics, you see. Besides, blogging between 8am-6pm could be mistaken as an indication of having nothing to do. Which, in turn, could be a signal for the higher ups to give me something to do.

And as it is, I have a lot of somethings on my plate already.

But I've had a long week. And as it comes to a close (yay! Friday tomorrow! woot woot!), I'm close to running on fumes.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy my job (just in case, you know, I have officemates who read this blog...). But it is still a job. Which means it comes with its own set of demands and an unavoidable dose of frustration. And like I said, this has been a particularly long week.

I was contemplating that thought and letting myself exhale when I happened to look out the window. This is what I saw:

 Gen 9:13 I have set my rainbow in the clouds,
and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth 

How could I possibly feel unloved when I have a God who decorates my view with a ribbon of color? And He went all out on the ribbon too. Because it stretched from end to end, a complete arc crowning the sky.

Unfortunately, the only way to get the other half was to take
the pic through a very dirty glass window. ha ha

And that got me to thinking about God's words to Noah that day the first rainbow came into view. He said, "I establish my covenant with you: Never again will all life be destroyed by the waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth” (Gen 9:11).

We all have rain in our lives. Sometimes the rain is gentle and soothing. Other times it's dreary, soggy and depressing. Sometimes the rain lasts for so long and is so strong that you forget what the sun feels like and every step you take is a step in mud and puddle after puddle after puddle.

But God promised me that He would never let the flood destroy me.

I have the rainbow to prove it.


  1. Rainbows are purdy. I like the colors. Reminds me of Skittles.

  2. Pauline: CC! CC! CC! :D

    Caesar: I love Skittles!!! :) Welcome to the blog and thanks for the comment.


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